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  • How much will shipping cost?
    As our product sizes vary, you will be able to find accurate shipping costs on the cart and checkout pages.
  • Do we ship internationally?
    Outside of the United States we ship only to Canada.
  • When will my art arrive?
    You can estimate your art's arrival by adding the processing and transit times. We typically process items within 5-7 business days.
  • How do I track my order?
    As soon as your art ships, we'll send you a confirmation email that includes a tracking number.
  • What if my art arrives damaged?
    Please note we triple check all products before they leave the warehouse, and therefore we are not liable for any damage that occurs during or after transport. Consequently, all goods physically purchased from Zaineb Malik Art are subject to a general principle of caveat emptor.
  • What is your return policy?
    Unfortunately Zaineb Malik Art does not accept returns or refunds.​
  • How do I place an order?
    Add the product(s) you wish to order in your shopping cart by clicking on the "Add to Cart" button located next to the product image. When you're ready to complete your order, click "Continue Checkout" from within your cart and follow the instructions.
  • What payment options do you accept?
    We accept all major credit cards, including Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover. We also accept PayPal and Apple Pay.
  • Can I cancel my order?
    To cancel an order that has not yet shipped, have your order number available and contact our Customer Support by emailing We are unable to process cancellations for items that have already shipped. Please see our Returns & Refunds FAQ or contact us for alternate options. We are unable to add additional items to existing orders or substitute individual items. You will need to cancel your existing order and place a new one. Thanks for your patience!
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